Our Faculty
The value of creativity knows no bounds. As such, we attract students from all fields and endeavors. To best serve our students, we feature a faculty team with a diverse set of backgrounds. While experts in their respective fields of study, all of our faculty are thought leaders in the field of creativity.
Gerard J. Puccio, Ph.D.
Chair + Distinguished Professor Chase Hall 245Office: (716) 878-6223
Email: pucciogj@buffalostate.edu
Gerard J. Puccio's profile
Susan Keller-Mathers, Ed.D.
Associate Professor Chase Hall 246Office: (716) 878-4070
Email: kellersm@buffalostate.edu
Susan Keller-Mathers's profile
William D. Yates, Ed.D.
Lecturer Chase Hall 245Office: (716) 878-6223
Email: yateswd@buffalostate.edu
Jo A. Yudess, Ed.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor Chase Hall 231Office: (716) 878-3209
Email: yudessja@buffalostate.edu
Jo A. Yudess's profile